CONQUER EMERGENCY SEPTIC SYSTEM CLOGS and BACKUPS QUICKLY. GREEN PIG Septic Tank Treatment Emergency Formula quickly and effectively fixes your emergency septic tank clogs and backups. Powerful septic tank treatment that is easy to use and safe for the environment. It opens those clogged holes in your leach lines
REVITALIZE YOUR SEPTIC TANK SYSTEM RAPIDLY: Green Pig Septic Tank Treatment Emergency Formula contains a world-class formula of active bacteria cultures that quickly activate septic tank enzymes to break down solids and decompose waste across your entire septic system, including out into the leach field, where hardened waste needs attention
RESOLVE EMERGENCIES, ELIMINATE ORDORS & PRESERVE SEPTIC SYSTEMS: Green Pig Septic Tank Treatment Emergency Formula rapidly breaks down the system-clogging materials. Eliminates the septic system odors and includes Green Pig 1-year maintenance dissolvable packets for FREE. Jump start your system AND then maintain it
ELIMINATE ODOR & EASY TO USE: With its advanced digestion rate targeting odor-causing bio-organic wastes, the Green Pig Septic Tank Treatment Emergency Formula will aid in controlling and getting rid of bad smells. Simple septic saver solution to use - just pour and flush, your nose will thank you!
MAXIMUM VALUE, MINIMAL EFFORT: Septic Tank Treatment & Drain Field Kit is an economical solution, a fraction of the cost to replace your system. Why spend thousands to install a new system? Fix it with Green Pig Septic Tank Treatment Emergency Formula. Treats 500, 1000, and 1500-gallon tanks, leach lines, and drain lines for both aerobic and anaerobic systems